Remembering Narene Virgin who played the beloved character of Jodie on 'Today's Special.'

The other night when I should have been sleeping, I was scrolling through my phone perusing pop culture news and I somehow stumbled upon the sad news that Narene Virgin passed away. For a moment, I felt a little like the wind had been taken out of my sails. Sure, I have no relation to Narene and I haven't seen her on TV in decades, but she was a crucial part of my childhood as she played the beloved Jodie on 'Today's Special.'
Like so many children who grew up in the 1980s, TV played a critical role in my entertainment, especially with my sister. We loved watching 'Today's Special' and it was darn near impossible to ignore the charisma, charm, and sweet demeanor that Narene radiated. She was sort of like that elementary school teacher who could always cheer up even the saddest of children. She radiated positive energy toward her audience - Gen X and elder millennial children like us.
One of my very first podcast episodes was on 'Today's Special' because it was such a memorable TV show for me and my sister. I learned so much about not only the show itself but also its stars (including the puppeteers!). I thought it might be bittersweet to share some interesting things I learned about the one and only Narene Virgin. So here is a list of 5 things you may not have known about the woman who played Jodie.
- Narene's first acting credit was in a long-running TV Ontario show called Polka Dot Door. That show ran for 22 years and was an educational show for children - one of the main characters was Polkaroo which is a combination of polka dot and kangaroo.
- Some of her other acting credits included: Garbage Pail Kids, Night Heat, and a movie - Murder in Space.
- She is the great niece of an escaped slave Thomas John Holland who came to Maryland via the Underground Railroad.
- Perhaps inspired by that following Today's Special, she became a notable writer about African Americans in Canadian and US History.
- Later she worked in broadcasting and she served on the board of directors for Phoenix Place which serves women and children who have survived domestic violence.
- And here is one bonus item about Narene and the cast of 'Today's Special.' Believe it or not, they did a tour, I believe this only happened in Canada, and it was called “Today’s Special Live” - they did an autograph signing at the shows! At each show, they performed the theme song to 'Today's Special' which was incredible and so sentimental and meaningful to the audience. Waldo the Magnificent even did it! The cast can really sing and dance! Here is a link to a video of this epic performance! The theme song is performed around the 17-minute mark. It makes me emotional every time I watch it! Today's Special Live!
If you want to check out my episode all about 'Today's Special' you can find it here.
Thank you Narene, for your bright smile, engaging presence, and all of the wonderful things you did outside of your career. You will be missed.
With love,
A child of the '80s