Reflections on my attendance at 90's Con!!

I am not sure how I missed hearing about this earlier, but in February I learned that there is an amazing convention called "90's Con" and if by some miracle, the convention is held just a few hours away from where I live and just minutes away from my brother & sister-in-law and their adorable family! How crazy and fortunate is that? Anyhoo, once I heard about it and read what the Con was going to look like, I knew I had to book it!
The conference actually ran all weekend, March 17-19th but because of some of my responsibilities at home, I was only able to attend on Sunday (I'm not complaining though, one day is better than none!). I arrived in the parking garage about 1.5 hours early. The doors opened at 9am and I was there just as they were letting people into the convention center. Ultimately, being there that early was really not necessary as I just stood in line looking around at a bunch of other 90's nerds (and I mean that in the best way possible) and waited for some time. That being said, the excitement was palatable and everyone counted down from 10 (or was it 5?) and suddenly the doors opened. When I first walked in I saw a ton of vendors selling all kinds of retro-themed merchandise.
The lanyard was something everyone got when they bought tickets and you had to wear it the whole time you were in the convention area, which I was totally cool with! I also just had to buy myself a hat (it was either that or a t-shirt or hooded sweatshirt) and I also got 2 snap bracelets for my kids. I also stopped at a vendor called Night Owl Designs where I purchased 3 different pairs of earrings: cassette tapes, Rose Nyland (aka Betty White) and Goonies (not pictured, got them for my wife).
The convention is definitely very celebrity-focused so if you love photo ops, autographs, and selfies with your favorite stars from one of the best decades, ever, this is the place for you! Next to all of the vendors were the areas where celebrities had booths. For an extra fee, you could take a selfie with them, get an autograph, or both. I did not opt to do this because I was only there for one day, but it was a HUGE draw for many people at the convention. Some of the celebrities present throughout the weekend included: Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick from N'Sync, Jenny Garth, Tori Spelling and Ian Ziering from 90210, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Mario Lopez and Elizabeth Berkley from Saved by the Bell as well as Alicia Silverstone and Stacey Dash from Clueless. I think I walked past Mario Lopez about a million times! I swear, that man has not aged!
For a bit more money, you could have a professional photo taken with individual celebrities or groups of celebrities (i.e. cast of Full House minus Stamos though, what a bummer!). This was also a huge draw! This part was blocked off by curtains so I couldn't peak in on the photo sessions, but I did walk up and down the booth area with celebrities a bunch of times! Marc Summers, the former host of Double Dare sure has white hair now!
Throughout the weekend there were also panels where you could see groups from a TV show or movie together, facilitated by an employee of People Magazine. I missed a few that I really wanted to attend because they were on Saturday (i.e. Saved by the Bell) but I did manage to sit in on most of the ones offered on Sunday (Clueless, Boy Bands, and The Wonder Years). I LOVED N'Sync when I was a teenager (I saw them in concert 3 TIMES) so imagine how happy I was to learn that Chris and Joey would be there. I doubt Justin Timberlake would be caught dead at something like this, but Joey and Chris were a delight!
I think what I appreciated the most about this event was just the energy. It was comforting knowing that there are other people like me out there who are nostalgic and find comfort in reminiscing about their childhood and adolescence. I'll admit that I started to feel a little left out since I didn't technically "meet" any celebrities one on one or take photos with them, but maybe I will save that for next year. I will be covering my thoughts on 90's Con in an upcoming podcast episode so look for that soon! Although, I did meet the "Golden Gays" who are a group of performers who dress up and act like the Golden Girls so that was pretty awesome. For just $5 I got to pose with them in their token Sophia photo op and it was totally worth it! They were so sweet! They liked my "Rose" earrings which I put on right after I bought them.
I definitely want to go back next year and perhaps next time around, I will do some photo ops! In the meantime though, check out 90's Con! Held annually (I think) in Connecticut and it will also be held in Tampa later this year: 90s Con Site. You can also learn more about the loveliest ladies from Miami here: Golden Gays!
Until next year 90's Con!