My name is Amy and I started the Pop Culture Retrospective Podcast in May of 2020 as a way of dealing with the grief that came along with losing my sister unexpectedly and tragically in the spring of 2019.  She had struggled with significant mental health issues for the better part of her life and she sadly lost her battle.  I had always thought about how fun it would be to host a show with her, but sadly that idea never came to life.  One thing I loved most about my sister was her memory, how she could recall almost anything.  Specific details about some birthday celebration decades ago, what outfit she was wearing on a particular day in elementary school, what someone said to her at a special event, etc.  She and I always enjoyed exchanging stories with each other about silly stuff that happened with us as kids, comments on the latest celebrity scandals, and the like. She was the first person who literally made me laugh until I started crying.  She was the best storyteller and the funniest person I had ever known.  My show is dedicated to her - I study and research a lot of the things she was into as a child and young adult and put them into each show.  It has been an incredible journey over the past 3 years and I have no plans of slowing down anytime soon.  This is all for you, Becky.  I love you and I miss you every day.  


Me and Becky