#97 - '80s & '90s Pop Culture Trivia w/Brieanna Wilkoff and Jason Lady!

Thank you for tuning in! On this episode, I am joined once again by Brieanna Wilkoff and Jason Lady as the two authors face off in a friendly game of '80s and '90s Trivia! Both of them have been so encouraging and supportive of the show. Enjoy!
At the end of this episode, I mentioned a few podcasts that I was recently a guest on:
Binge Movies Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/teen-adaptations-ranked/id1448206267?i=1000657748579
No Shame on U: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/from-grief-to-grace-a-sisters-legacy-in-pop-culture/id1268946118?i=1000656560078
'80s & '90s Uncensored: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/favorite-board-games-from-our-youth-with-special-guest/id1548349668?i=1000579153683
Check out Brieanna and Jason's websites:
Brieanna's: https://brieannawilkoff.com/
Jason's: https://www.jasonrlady.com/
Visit: https://www.popcultureretrospective.com/ for all things Pop Culture Retrospective!
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Pop Culture Retrospective Merch!: https://pop-culture-retrospective-pod.myspreadshop.com/all
Email me anytime: amy@popcultureretrospective.com

Jason R. Lady
Jason is an Army Brat who grew up on military bases in Fort Knox, Kentucky and Germany. Moving 7 times growing up, Jason wrote stories that starred his new classmates at each new school which helped kids bond and have fun. His published novels are the Magic Pen Adventure series for middle grade readers. The series includes the first book Monster Problems and the sequels Super Problems and Time Problems. He lives with his wife in Cleveland, Ohio, where he's currently at work on a fourth novel in the series. When he's not writing, Jason listens to 1980s music, follows the Cleveland Guardians, and is working on visiting all the MLB stadiums. Jason's books were accepted to the Kentucky Book Festival, the Ohioana Book Festival, the Heartland Book Festival, and are rated IndieReader Approved and a Maxy Awards finalist.

Brieanna Wilkoff
Brieanna Wilkoff (she/her) believes wholeheartedly in the power of kindness, the importance of theatre, and the awesomeness of ’80s rock. She married her husband onstage at the oldest surviving theatre in central Ohio, and their first dance was to Bon Jovi’s “Thank You for Loving Me.” Her favorite musical is a three-way tie between Les Mis, Wicked, and Hamilton.
I’ll Be There for You is Brieanna’s debut young adult novel. It was inspired by her family’s commitment to kindness, including performing 100 kind acts in a single day. Brieanna lives in Westerville, Ohio, with her husband, daughter, and dog.