#103 - A Discussion on the year 1999 and Trash Pop Culture with Ross Benes

Thank you for tuning in! On today's episode, I am joined by Journalist, Author, and Market Analyst, Ross Benes! Ross has written extensively on the subjects of sex, culture, and the entertainment industry. In this episode, we take a look at the year 1999 and the "Trash Culture" that was so dominant during the last year of the century. We discuss topics like talk shows (Jerry Spring, Ricky Lake), the theatrics of professional wrestling, Limp Bizkit and so much more!
You can find Ross here: https://www.rossbenes.com/
You can purchase his new book- "1999
The Year Low Culture Conquered America and Kickstarted Our Bizarre Times" here: https://kansaspress.ku.edu/9780700638574/ if you enter code: 241999 at checkout, you will receive a discount!
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Ross Benes
Ross Benes is a journalist, market research analyst, and author. His writing has appeared in Mental Floss, Esquire, The Wall Street Journal, Smithsonian Magazine, and Entertainment Weekly. As an entertainment industry analyst, he’s regularly cited as an expert source by the Los Angeles Times, NPR, and Bloomberg. His previous books include Rural Rebellion: How Nebraska Became a Republican Stronghold and Turned On: A Mind-Blowing Investigation into How Sex Has Shaped Our World.